Forecast Solutions

Demand Planning Course - Demand Planning Training 2 Days

This two-day demand planning course includes much of the content of the one-day sales forecasting course, but covers forecasting methods in greater depth including the important matter of model selection.   Although mainly a demand planning course it also includes some aspects of supply planning including the basics of inventory management and calculation of safety stock.  In this demand planning training we discuss the importance of dealing with the uncertainty of demand for both regular and intermittent demand patterns.  The role of demand planning within a typical S&OP process is discussed.

Who should attend:

The two day demand planning training is suitable for those looking to gain an in-depth understanding of demand planning and forecasting methods and process.  It is our most popular course and is attended by people from a wide range of job roles in areas such as demand planning, forecasting, operations and supply chain.  Delegates come from many different industry sectors spanning consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, high tech, financial sevices and industrial sectors.


For prices please complete a quotation request form giving the course(s) of interest and the expected number of delegates.  Alternatively, feel free to email us at

Learning Outcomes:

  • Knowledge of a wide range of forecasting methods for demand forecasting over the short term and medium term horizons.

  • Understanding of how a suitable forecasting model can be chosen and it's parameters calibrated.

  • Appreciation of basic methods for inventory management and calculation of safety stocks taking volatility into account.

  • Sufficient insight to support consideration of potential improvements to the company's existing methods and procedures.

Typical Course Content:

  1. The purpose of forecasting, short-term and medium term.  Alternative approaches to demand forecasting including subjective methods, causal analysis and time series projection.

  2. The importance of a good seasonal analysis.  Different ways of dealing with seasonality.  Example of a simple way to calculate a set of seasonal indices and make use of this in forecasting.

  3. Curve fitting as a way of projecting the sales trend.  This covers straight line fitting plus a number of other types of curve.

  4. Time series forecasting starting with simple moving average as a basic method of demand forecasting.

  5. Introduction to exponential smoothing including worked example of some simple forms of this family of methods.

  6. Forecasting for new products and some practical ways of dealing with this difficult subject.

  7. Discussion around demand forecasting for promotions and some methods for dealing with them.  The need to cleanse historical data prior to statistical forecasting.

  8. Forecast accuracy measurement and the most effective measures to use in accuracy reporting.  A worked example is given to illustrate the most usual methods.

  9. Further examples of time series forecasting with exponential smoothing including some worked examples and explanation of the full range of possibilities in this extensive family of methods.  Dealing with abnormal historical data.

  10. Some basic methods for inventory planning including choice of the timing and size of stock replenishment orders.  Calculation of safety stocks for fast moving and slow moving items.  Forecasting and planning for intermittent demand.

  11. Calculation of a stock development plan in conditions of infinite supply or constrained supply.  Management of abnormal demand.

  12. If the company operates in a consumer goods market, the availability of EPOS data and its potential use in forecasting and planning.

  13. Forecasting in the context of a sales and operations planning process.  Considerations around demand forecasting for the medium term as opposed to short term horizon.

  14. The six steps in a typical demand forecasting process and consideration of best practice in forecasting for the specific company.

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